Cover Odonatologica 53(1/2)



Journal, published for the International Odonatological Foundation, Societas Internationalis Odonatologica S.I.O.

Odonatologica publishes original papers in all fields of odonatology. It is a semi-annual journal, published on 1st June and 1st December. It is general policy that submitted papers will be refereed. Publication language is English.


»The title may be a bit intimidating, but Odonatologica is one of the best biology journals in the world at the moment. It's a classic example of the 'ground-up' approach to global biodiversity.«

Michael Heads, formerly University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji Islands, a very big name in and provocative scholar of evolutionary biology and biogeography, in the ‘Taxacom’ Mailing list on 14thDecember 2015


Odonatologica [2023 Impact Factor: 0.5; 2023 Journal Citation Reports®Science Edition; Clarivate™ Analytics 2024] is indexed in Current Contents, Science Citation Index Expanded, Zoological Record and Research Alert, and is covered by most of the major abstracting services.

ISSN: 0375-0183

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Editorial address:

Osmylus Scientific Publishers
Odonatologica Editorial Office
Postfach 1212
85280 Wolnzach



Odonatologica 53(3/4) has been published on 1st December 2024, including eleven papers on 196 printed pages, and was sent timely to all subscribers, together with Notulae odonatologicae 10(4).


On 1st December 2015, in addition to the regular issue 44(3), all subscribers had received a very special issue: Odonatologica 44(4) had been published likewise on the same day, comprising of one single study on 232 printed full-colour pages, authored by KD Dijkstra, Jens Kipping and Nico Mézière and entitled "Sixty new dragonfly and damselfly species from Africa (Odonata)". This odonatological milestone describes the greatest number of Odonata in a single publication since Selys' classic work "Révision du synopsis des Agrionines", which was published 1886, i.e., 130 years earlier. The study will can be purchased here in our store in printed form, in Odonatologica's usual high quality standards, very soon - or you can place your order already via mail[at] The price for this extraordinary oeuvre, including handling and 1st class air mail shipping, is € 42.00 or US$ 49.00 per copy.

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